Spot the runt...
A few days ago, I came across an old school pic of mine. A pic dating back to the time when I got ranked 38th in a class of 42 students, liked going to school about as much as Saddam Hussain likes George Bush and was invisble to teachers in general... ah, good old days, when life was simpler. I was still at my desk, reminiscing about the days gone by, the pic open in my browser window, when a couple of my colleagues happened to pass by. They noticed the pic and asked me about it. I told them that it was an old school photograph of my class and encouraged them to identify me in the picture. I was most surprised when they were unable to do so in 3 attempts each. It quickly turned into a competition of sorts and soon there were about half a dozen colleagues trying to identify me in the pic. As you may have guessed by now, they were all unsuccessful in their attempts. Their failure gave me the idea of putting up the pic on my blog and encouraging my audience to try to identify me. For the benefit of those who haven't had the good fortune of meeting me in person, I have also included a fairly recent pic of me. (I like to think of myself as an equal opportunity contest organizer :-)... So, let the games begin....

Yep! That's me.. and I do have an uncanny resemblance to one Mr. Brad Pitt... What? You don't believe me!!! Ok, ok... I'll admit it. That's not me. It is Brad Pitt. But that's how I'd like to look and in an ideal world that's how I'd look.. :( And not because he's incredibly rich and handsome, but because he's with Angelina Jolie... the most babeliscious babe of all times... ever... -sigh- .. Ok, now that we've got that out of the way we can get down to the serious business viz me...

Ok... this is really me. And you must admit, I do look quite a bit like Brad Pitt... two eyes, a nose, two ears.. the same items in the exact same numbers as Mr Pitt. I rest my case... Ok, now comes the most important part of the contest. Pasted below, is the school pic spoken about earlier in the narrative. Your job, ladies and gentlemen, is to identify the character from the pic above (the good looking one in the pic with the flowers... not the long haired weirdo) among the multitude of masses in the pic below. Good luck, ladies and gentlemen, and Godspeed!!

Ok, I can see that all's not going well with the identification process. So I've decided to give a few helpful hints that are specifically designed to make your task easier...
Hint 1: I am not a transvestite/cross-dresser.
Hint 2: No, I'm not the dude wearing the dark glasses!!
Hint 3: Click on the picture!! An enlarged version will magically appear making things infinitely easier...
Well, that's about as far as I can go without actually giving my identity away altogether. Happy hunting... and until later, cheers!! :-)